Explore how women are represented in the Media - Jimmy Choo Advert + Kill Bill

Women are presented very differently to men in the media. While men are seen as powerful and serious, women are seen as always beautiful but fragile and weak. This idea comes from Disney Princesses, where women always need a man to help them or save them from something. However, it's not the case, and society is changing. Nowadays, we can see more women in powerful roles, not only in films and TV shows, but also in real life. 

In the 'JIMMY CHOO' advert, it presents a woman in a very high position of power, living this luxurious and glamorous lifestyle that many woman aspire to have. This already shows us that this woman isn't a trophy wife, but instead she is in control and can make her own decisions. When the woman is in the car, she is the one driving with a serious look on her face. It shows that she is dedicated and focused to achieving her goals and going to where she wants to be, possibly metaphorically or physically. 

There is also an element of mystery to the advert; everything is very fast paced and almost shadow-like. The idea of 'blink and you'll miss her' could relate back to the idea that she is determined - you're either with her or you're not, she wouldn't wait around for anyone as she conveys this sense that she only really needs herself. The tracking shot of the woman going up the stairs too shows us the power and control that she has, almost like it's over the audience themselves. In addition, towards the end the perfume bottle is spun, creating this effect of flames on the screen. This could coincide with the idea that she could be dangerous, or somewhat of a risk taker, especially if she is a businesswoman. 

However, like any other perfume advert, there is still the element of sex involved. This is reinforced by the lyrics of the song, "if you want it", and the close up of her unzipping her dress in the bedroom. 

This 'JIMMY CHOO' advert could possibly link in with the film 'Kill Bill'. Although there is no violence or murder in the perfume advert, the main character in 'Kill Bill' is a dedicated woman, focused on getting her revenge, which is her goal and what she wants. Both women in the advert and the film are serious; they know what they want and know what to do to get that or there. 


  1. Generally sound response here, clear argument made and your justify your argument with some detailed examples. Your structure and style of writing has helped you here with some sophisticated ideas and meanings offered which show good analysis. However, you need to use more terminology throughout such as 'ideology' 'stereotype' application of the male gaze theory etc. Examples needs to be detailed and specific - close up/long shot, mise en scene of.... Comparison to Kill Bill also needs to be added to this response (copy and paste) to fulfill requirements.


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