Kill Bill (Movie Poster) - Female Representation in Media

Women in the movie 'Kill Bill' are portrayed in a very different way to how women are usually portrayed in the media. Instead of being seen as this passive woman who only cares about beauty and fashion, the main character in 'Kill Bill' is violent and angry, seeking for revenge throughout all of the movies. 

Even in the movie posters, there's no hint at the woman being a sexual object or any hint that she needs a man to protect her, which usually happens when females are included into films. Instead, she looks violent and ready to fight, which women are not usually seen as. The samurai sword in the movie poster emphasises this idea too. 

The colours used in the movie poster however could be quite contradicting, or could be seen as a metaphor. The colour yellow usually indicates happiness and positivity, however the main character feels quite the opposite; on the other hand however, she could be happy to get revenge and optimistic towards getting to her goal. The colour red is simple however, it can relate to blood and her anger.

The image above is a still from the movie trailer, in which she kills an entire army with just her samurai sword. This not only shows how strong and powerful she is, but it could be a metaphor for women in the media industry, and women in general.


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