Male Perfume Adverts - Male Representation in the Media

Men are often not associated with health or beauty, but when they are it's always to show this sultry and dominant side to men. In most cologne adverts too, there is always a female in the background, or something to suggest it. In this case, it shows the bottom half of a woman wearing a low dress and high heels; this suggests that the company may be implying that women are only good for their body, and that nothing else matters, including what she says and her personality. It could also suggest the idea that if you do buy the cologne, you'll be able to attract more females just by wearing it. The colours used are quite dark and smokey too, relating to the possible smell of the perfume and the mysterious and dark side of a man, relating to the model's facial expression.

Most of the perfume adverts advertised for men all include half-or fully naked women, implying that women are just sexual objects, ready for men whenever.
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