Mad Men - Male Representation in the Media

Extra Large Movie Poster Image for Mad Men (#8 of 20)

Men are usually portrayed as successful businessmen. This film poster for a TV show emphasises this portrayal as the man, although half underwater, is wearing a clean and sharp suit, showing that he is wealthy and possibly in charge of a successful business. His facial expressions show that he is serious and could be quite dangerous when provoked. The props, such as the alcoholic decanter behind him and the cigarette also shows that he could be self destructive, making him even more dangerous.

This still is from the 'Mad Men' trailer. The show is set in the 1960's, and so it gives a perfect view of male and female representation. The women in this still are glamorous and dressed up, while the men are in suits and are still looking professional even at this apparent party. It also reinforces the idea of wealth, as everything in the mise-en-scene looks expensive. The women who are with the men too could be seen as trophy wives, something that was common for rich men to have in the 50's and 60's. Women could have an oppositional reading to the trailer and/or entire TV show as the patriarchy is seen very clearly; this huge divide between men being powerful and in control and women being seen as sex objects and weak.


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