Juno (Movie) - Representation of Young People in the Media

uses the stereotypical view of teenage pregnancy - relates to the fact that they were risky/reckless/not using protection - relates to their lifestyle (in relation to spending money, driving recklessly, etc) means people can't trust them?

however the fact that teenage pregnancy happens could be the fact that adults do not give enough knowledge or give enough support - means that theres not easy access to protection that teenagers can get without the help of adults - not good enough education about sex in schools/colleges 

adults view teenage pregnancy as a bad thing as they don't believe they are capable of taking care of a baby as well as themselves - they see it as the teenager is ruining their own life (although this could be true, a lot of young mums have done extremely well and have both focused on themselves, their children and their lives with help and support from family and friends) - it's those who do not get the help and support that they then fall, creating a bad portrayal of teenage pregnancy. 


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